Good communication in Norwegian is frequently one of the keys to personal growth and skills development in professional career in Norway. Why should companies invest in internal trainings?
1. Reduce staff turnover
One of the reasons many employees decide to leave their jobs, even though they are highly qualified, is the feeling of being stuck, not developing anymore skills.
Solution: Give your colleagues frequent oportunities to choose between different types of training, like seminars, webinars or courses to empower them. Make an educational plan suggesting 2 or 3 different courses. It will give the feeling of independent decision making and give more confidence to your team.
The outcome: More motivation and sense of belonging to the company.
2. Show appreciation
Allowing personal growth and learning new skills is a great way to show employees your appreciation. By investing time – and sometimes, money – you are sending the message that they are valuable members of the company who deserve the investment, that their efforts and dedication are noticed and that you want them to grow with the company.
3. Team building
Learning can be a very amusing activity if planned wisely. Allow your employees to have a break from work and participate in a fun activity with their colleagues. This is a good way to improve the way the staff and teams work together and communicate. They will be more likely to cooperate when facing a challenge, even if they belong to different teams or departments.
4. Improvements on the service provided
Happy employees = happy customers. Besides the personal benefits for the employees, by offering the right training to the right teams, you will also improve the quality of the service your provide to your customers. Either you invest in language courses, digital skills or any other subject, it’s important to identify the key points to be improved and plan wisely.
5. Saving time and money
Although it seems contradictory, investing money and time in training your workers pays back! The more you invest the more you gain. Your employees have already great know-how and are able to get into new tasks much faster and quicker than a new employee. They have better understaning of what exactly they need in order to work faster, better and more efficiently. Given “the tools”, they will be able to save you costs on additional employments, in future training of new staff and unnecessary breaks in the process.
Nowadays, Norwegian companies have several opportunities when it comes to offering company trainings to their workers. One of them is Kompetanseplus program – free competency programs for companies and voluntary organisations with up to 50 employees.
Employees can get access to:
– Norwegian or Sami language courses
– Mathematics and counting skills
– Improve digital or oral skills
– Improve writing and reading skills
Inlearn is a provided of competency programs and we are ready to help your employees boost their skills in Norwegian. Your company can receive up to 200 hours free training for employees through public funds.
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