B2.4 Norwegian classroom course

The fourth and final module of the B2 level Norwegian course for advanced students focuses on:

  • Power Distribution: Examining the monarchy and democracy in Norway, the roles of the Storting (Parliament) and government, the judicial system, and Norway's reputation for having the world's most humane prisons.
  • Politics: A deep dive into the political parties, the left-right spectrum, similarities and differences among parties, political influence, the role of the public, organizations, local governance, media's influence, and limits on free speech.
  • International Relations: Discussing war and peace, anti-democratic movements, Norwegian resistance during WWII, the UN, NATO, the Nobel Peace Prize and its recent winners, Norway's relationship with Europe, EU and EEA agreements, the Schengen and Dublin accords, regional cooperation in the Nordics, and relations with Russia, including the phenomenon of 'Russenorsk'.
This module offers a comprehensive understanding of Norway's political and international dynamics, enriching your Norwegian language skills with a focus on complex societal and global topics.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of my Norwegian course for level B2?

Yes, after completing this course, all the students who completed at least 80% of the lessons will receive a certificate of attendance.

Yes, since this is the last of four modules of B2 level, after this course you finish the B2 level Norwegian.

Last places.